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CAT CLASS: 0810517

3 Ton Air Chain Hoist

Our Electric Chain Hoists utilize a helical/spur gear drive and provides a smooth and quiet operation.This unit has a 3 ton capacity and comes equipped with a pendant control. 40', 50' and 60 lift chains are available. Each unit is totally enclosed, high torque motors for heavy-duty operation. The NEMA 3R hoist enclosures and NEMA 4x pendant enclosures provide dependable outdoor operation.

Products are subject to availability.

Make JD Neuhaus
Model Profi 1.5TI/3TI-22
Air Requirement 127 CFM @ 85 PSI
Capacity 1-1/2 ton/3 ton
Lifting Speed _(No Load) 32.8/16.4 FPM
Lifting Speed _(Rated Load) 19.7/9.8 FPM
Weight 123/146 lbs.
Safety Requirements
  • Eye Protection
  • Hard Hat
  • Gloves