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Strength in Numbers: Coming Together in the Business of Keeping Clients Happy

When a big client asks you to step up your game, you do whatever it takes to keep that client happy.

That’s what happened when a commercial cleaning team in San Antonio got word from one of their biggest customers that they needed to do better.

The commercial cleaning team jumped into action. They knew this wasn’t a matter of commitment or work ethic. This was about equipment.

The team needed three R-14 Dual-Technology Rider Carpet Extractors, a machine built by Tennant and designed to provide exceptional deep cleaning and extend the life of your carpet. Time was a factor — as it always is for a big job with high expectations — and within 24 hours, the commercial cleaning team had all three in hand, ready to dig in on a very big job.

How did it all come together?

Sunbelt Rentals has partnered with Tennant, a company that specializes in the manufacture of commercial-grade floor cleaning equipment, to expand its available flooring options. We immediately saw it as a win-win for both our companies and our customers. The situation in San Antonio provides a perfect example.

When the request for the R-14s came through, Sunbelt Rentals only had two carpet extractors available for rent. So, we reached out to Tennant and purchased their R-14 demo product to fulfill the entire order. Then, Jose Rodriguez, the Tennant Commercial Area Manager in San Antonio, offered to provide the commercial cleaning team with all the necessary training.

The result was a very happy client, armed with everything they would need to provide stunning results to an important client. And in the end, that was the purpose of the collaboration with Tennant: to provide a platinum offering to all those customers who need to act with speed and efficiency.

As Jose put it, “We are stronger together.”


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